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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Nick


    Im currently using 400 dpi and 4.90 in game sens I try to convert and it says its to high etc plz help
  2. what would be my sens ???? it does not show up on the calculator
  3. can you add Infestation: The New Z or convert it for me plz
  4. ok thankyou so when I enter a game and it has a fov preset just keep it set at that ?
  5. in overwatch I use 104 or 105 fov and when I transfer to csgo the 360 is way slower if I put it at 68 fov is there a way to fix that or should I do the calculation with 90 fov for csgo
  6. its about 10 inches off lol
  7. does anyone know how to convert a sens / dpi I use 1.16 1600dpi on overwatch how can I change my dpi to 800 or lower but keep same sens/360
  8. Nick


    and u wouldent by chance know how to convert my sens at 1600 dpi to 800 dpi ?
  9. Nick


    ok thankyou will the calculation be close to the 360 in overwatch ??
  10. Nick


    with the sens that I use 1600 dpi 1.16 overwatch and i try to convert to h1z1 and it says its to fast or to slow ??
  11. I play stretched in csgo 1024 768 and when I transfer over I use 25% but I heard to use 75% which is better ?
  12. it says I need a lower dpi I use 400 ????
  13. ok do you mean monitor distance and should I use 100 or 25 ??
  14. ok thank you so much
  15. I looked for king of the kill and I only saw h1zi is it the same config ?
  16. is it best to match the sens option at 25% or is there a better one and my dpi is 400
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