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Second Wave

Only first person FOV can be changed.


Use the config file for best accuracy.

Calcium Contract

Use the config file for best accuracy.

Containment Zone

See the game notes for instructions on how to set the sensitivity.

Modern Warships

The sensitivity slider is not accurate, expect some discrepancy. Use the registry calculation for best accuracy.

The Forest

DPI Wizard
Just added! The lowest sensitivity supported is quite high, so you might have to adjust your DPI to get the desired sensitivity.

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the forest needs its values updated, the value in game now goes from 0 to 100% instead of 0 to 300 and the value that this site gives is entirely too high.


the site gives me a value of 48% so on a whim i divided it by 3 to get 16 and it feels relatively close.

Edited by Jimmon
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  • Wizard
2 minutes ago, SasoriCS said:

nvm my sens is just to low LOL

Yeah, this game has a very narrow sensitivity range, and the minimum is not especially low.

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So just a reminder that FOV and sensitivity can be set via registry. The conversions are a bit complicated but I've figured them out.

Again 0% is 5760 counts and 100% is 480 counts. The config is located in Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SKS\TheForest

The complicated part is converting your desired sensitivity to the format used in the config (little-endian double).

So for example say you want 1.5% (0.015) sensitivity in-game. First you need to convert this to it's double binary representation, in this case

00111111 10001110 10111000 01010001
11101011 10000101 00011110 10111000

Then you need to convert this to hex


But this is big endian so you need to swap it to little endian. Split each pair of numbers and then reverse the order

3F 8E B8 51 EB 85 1E B8


B8 1E 85 EB 51 B8 8E 3F

This is finally what you input in MouseSensitivity_numbers and MouseSensitivityY_numbers. FOV is done the same way. Negative sensitivity values get defaulted back to 0 and don't work unfortunately.

If you use python scripts on this website then this could help:

import struct

input = 0.015

def double_to_hex(f):
    return hex(struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('>d', f))[0])

output = double_to_hex(input)[2:].zfill(16)

x = 2
for i in range(0,16):
    output = output[:x] + ' ' + output[x:]
    x += 3


For anyone wanting to do sensitivity themselves in the meantime use this equation:


to calculate an input value for the python script. Then type the output into the registry fields (be sure to get the x and y fields). If you're doing FOV you just put the desired vertical FOV in the input variable.

Edited by Skwuruhl
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The potentially complicated bit will be the swapped endianness unless you already have that coded. But yeah a minimum sensitivity of 9.47 in OW or 2.84 in CS:GO is ridiculous. Especially when the maximum is the equivalent of 114 and 34 respectively.

Edited by Skwuruhl
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  • Wizard
7 minutes ago, Skwuruhl said:

The potentially complicated bit will be the swapped endianness unless you already have that coded.

I'm using PHP pack and unpack directly, so anything those functions support should be possible to add, but I need to check.

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