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  1. Personally I think Battlefield 1/Battlefield V zoom system is the best and wish it did become the standard. Your zoom level also ends up being a direct multiplier of your cm/360 (if using 0%). 1x = Hipfire, 2 x = cm/360 x 2.
  2. Remember hearing something from the developers prior to launch that they were going to speed up some of the high zoom scopes/optics. Locus default scope is definitely way faster than 0%.
  3. Oh NVM about my previous post this explains what i was looking for. Thanks wizard This is really good actually you can customize your ads cm/360 slightly to your liking
  4. Not sure its working correctly for me. Old maximum of cl_fovscale 1.642857 reports Hipfire HFOV 16:9 128.922798 New maximum of cl_fovscale 1.7 reports Hipfire HFOV 16:9 128.922807 Shouldn't cl_fovscale 1.7 be like close to quake live 120 fov or HFOV 16:9 133.173551 Also its not accepting anything other than multiplier for me with the increased values
  5. But if you are using a custom client like pluto, you can have a change in cm/360 sensitivity with /cg_fovscale or maybe change the multiplier with /zoom_sensitivity (not sure if this is a dvar in bo2)
  6. No you can't change ADS individually, all the older cods use a fixed 0% coefficient. But if you do have a logitech mouse there is a script floating around that increases/decreases dpi on ads.
  7. Games often lie about their zoom magnification amount, BFV had mostly the correct values but in 2042 it zooms in a lot more. I used 0% coefficient in BFV as well and for 2042 the same but increased my sensitivity so that ADS is a bit more mobile.
  8. Might be worth reading through the calculator again: Default zoom is 1 or 1.33% coefficient, 1.78% coefficient is nearly 1.1 and 0% is .81893
  9. Maybe Far Cry New Dawn Update: Just realised It was already requested
  10. Awesome, I've just noticed when I use 125% scaling the calculator then uses a different resolution, but in display properties and nvidia control panel is says it doesn't; Will I be able to use 125% and is it 2560x1440 or is it the downscale resolution. If it's downscale then I won't be able to archive what i'm trying to do. But might still be worth implementing for other reasons anyways.
  11. Yes exactly that, however is there anyway for it to calculate off custom values?
  12. Was just thinking about this because I couldn't get my exact sensitivity using the PSA test method, Couldn't fine adjust dpi as only have increments of 100 and couldn't fine adjust the WPS anymore so i guess different display scales could help me achieve a way closer value to match my windows to games.
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