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Everything posted by Rukishou

  1. Maybe this is too out there but... Name: Metroid Prime Trilogy w/ PrimeHack Website: https://github.com/SirMangler/PrimeHack-Updater/releases Status: 1.0 is out but development continues Availability: PrimeHack is free, but a dump of the Wii game is required The FAQ says you can simply multiply a Source engine sens by 4.62 but I'm not sure that's right
  2. It's possible to adjust FOV with this mod/patcher. It can also fix some aspect ratio related issues, like how certain cutscenes get cropped in ultrawide
  3. Ah, I see. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression setting a different res w/ Native had no effect except for Windows / Desktop (and maybe other 2D apps) so I thought converting say 1440p>1080p wouldn't be accurate
  4. @DPI Wizard Would it be possible to make the resolution boxes editable (but still convert when first selecting focal length like now) and let us convert to any res? For example, I'm about to play Death Stranding which is locked to 75 hfov and for me would require 840p, but this game currently doesn't support a lot of resolutions, let alone custom ones, and even games that do and are locked to such low fov I'd rather play at, say, 1080p and just minimize discrepancy w/o sacrificing half my monitor. Instead I have to convert my base game to itself @ 1080p w/ whatever fov matches my focal length and then convert that the normal way. Assuming I even get the right results, it works, but it's quite a hassle Edit: To clarify, I want to maintain MDV 0% when perfectly maintaining focal length isn't an option
  5. Name: Little Witch Nobeta Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1049890/Little_Witch_Nobeta/ Status: Early Access Release date: June 24, 2020 Availability: purchase, free demo last one I'll request for a bit, promise
  6. Does this really work? If so, what FOVScale corresponds to MDV 0% and similar settings, or is it as simple as FOVScale=0.000000 for 0% and FOVScale=1.000000 for 100%? Also saw this post about ADS sens in config, but I guess it might not be included in the calculator because it doesn't actually do anything in game?
  7. Name: Grounded Website: https://grounded.obsidian.net/ Status: Early Access Release date: July 28, 2020 Availability: Purchase (there was a demo but apparently only for June 16-22 ) and Xbox Game Pass for PC
  8. Name: Death Stranding Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1190460/DEATH_STRANDING/ Status: not yet released Release date: July 14, 2020 Availability: pre-purchase
  9. Can you still only get MDV 0% if you play w/ 70 FOV?
  10. Name: Horizon Zero Dawn Website: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1151640/Horizon_Zero_Dawn_Complete_Edition/ Status: not yet released Release date: August 7, 2020 Edit by @DPI Wizard: Currently has negative acceleration issues tied to frame rate. Keeping the game in the list for now in case it gets fixed soon.
  11. @fortunate reee Yeah, Destiny's a bit of a mess, but I tried multiple games and they're all a bit misaligned. Since my base game is 73 vert I set new games to whatever FOV it would be at full screen, which isn't always 1:1 so I still want the MDV 0% conversion from 73 to, say 72.4536. So if Overwatch is 103 hor @ 1377p that's the same focal length as if the game was 105.4842 hor/72.96682 vert @ 1440p, so I convert from 73 to 72.96682. I don't think type matters if they're equivalent, as long as the aspect ratio is the same, but I do pretty much always use vert so I'm not sure why I went with hor this time tbh. I usually have Auto FOV on but turn it off for this purpose since it gets in the way. This is my process from before focal length was added to the calculator tho and now you should only need whatever FOV the game says and the calculator will figure out the new resolution. Before, the res would still be the full screen so FOV had to be increased to reflect that, while in game it stayed at its cap. E.g., Destiny 2 is 105 in game, which is inaccurate so it's actually closer to 100.8 @ 1323p and 105.5263 hor/73.00858 vert @ 1440p which I'd use in the calculator. Still, the different results between methodologies felt a bit on the larger side so I wanted to bring it to @DPI Wizard's attention just in case. Seems like they're already on it tho
  12. Yes, MDV 0% for everything and I only convert from larger to smaller FOV. The way I did it before this option was added was to convert from 73 vFOV @ 1440p to the 1440p equivalent of whatever FOV the convertee game has, e.g. 72.96682/105.48418 for Overwatch or 73.00858/105.52626 for Destiny 2. I considered I might just be using more decimal points than the calculator, but an almost 3.5cm difference seemed a bit much? I'm not sure, but I thought better safe than sorry I see it as if I'm playing with my goal FOV or however close I can get with the edges covered by something, or with ultrawide games just the top and bottom.
  13. I did two conversions that only differs in FOV: one at the game's max w/ Focal Length on, the other the FOV I got at https://www.geogebra.org/classic/wg83gxjc w/ Focal Length off. Hipfire is very close but ADS is different enough that I wanted to ask. Here's another, less severe, example: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=b74cbf1bdeb299a91336c5f5f25b9937 https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=d6a1138a829c1f77d6b76bf890ba4ae8
  14. I set the custom resolution in game (Windows remains unchanged) and have turned off scaling in the Nvidia control panel, so black borders on all four sides at 16:9. With hor+ games, where fov extends horizontally without cropping the top and bottom, I just lower the height and keep the full width of my monitor.
  15. Tried Cheat Engine but no search returns anything for Halo. IDK if it's because of anticheat or my CE settings are wrong, and if it's the former I don't know how to disable that either That said, if anticheat has to be disabled there'd be no way to have the settings you want in multiplayer huh? Guess you can pick a "main" weapon and just adjust the ADS for that lol
  16. I don't know if this has any impact on the calculations but in game only mouse correction goes up to 200 while left/right and up/down only go to 100, but in the calculator all three max out at 200. I just set the values I got as they were under 100 and it feels pretty good, but I thought I'd point it out just in case. In any case, thanks for adding it
  17. I would greatly appreciate this too! I've even thought about making my own post about it but never got around to it https://www.geogebra.org/classic/wg83gxjc is a great resource but a very tedious process, and lately I've noticed for a lot of games where you can't change FOV, the FOV box in the calculator becomes grayed out and I can't use my calculated FOV to convert from/to other games that way either.
  18. While I was able to preload it early on day one (I'm in EU) my friend wasn't, but he was able to get around that by adding the game to the shopping cart on the website and "buying" it, and then he could download it through the windows store app. Later told another EU friend about it and it worked for him too.
  19. Name: Bleeding Edge Website: https://www.bleedingedge.com/ Status: closed beta Release date: March 24, 2020 Availability: pre-purchase, Xbox Game Pass
  20. Yeah I'm mostly interested in the FOV increase myself, just thought I'd point out that there are some other tweaks availabe there too
  21. FOV can be adjusted with a mod in this WSGF thread. Just run the .exe with the game and you can increase, decrease, and reset to default with F5, F6, and F7 respectively. There are some other fixes too (uncapped FPS, borderless window, ultrawide support) but they require separate downloads and actually modify the main game file. If you're interested just look for the other posts by jackfuste in the same thread
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