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  1. Why? I never had any problems with my wrist but I'm not a doctor either
  2. Yeah, thats what I were writing to begin with. I called it "control display" maybe not the right word but I think we both agree on the same thing. I'm very good at expressing myself in english. The feel / relative sensitivity whatever you want to call it is higher for his settings than mine, it's all I said but you said it didn't make a difference playing streched.
  3. But you are saying the FOV is "still" 90 when playing 4:3 streched? My original point were that his (90 FOV streched to 16:9 monitor) sens is relativly faster than mine (106 FOV native 16:9) The topic starter asked if you lose precision with higher sens, so I took Hiko as an example since he have higher "relative sensitivity than I do with 1.2 ingame and 1600 dpi. With his settings his sens moves faster on the X axis than it does with my settings even though the cm/360 is lower. If you use a 10x scope with same cm/360 as I have hipfire, you can't say the sens is same just because the cm/360 is same, it would "feel" faster because it's zoomed in right?
  4. The FOV isn't 90 in cs go when you play 16:9 res, it's 106 you can easily see you get lower FOV when you switch to 4:3. But you're right about the 360/cm sens in cs go doesn't get affected by FOV, but I don't agree that the "precieved sens" is the same when you strech. Everything gets wider yes, but isn't that almost the same as when you scope with a gun, except it only affects the horisontal movement since you only "zoom" the horisontal axis? So horistonal axis is zoomed in with the same cm/360 which leads to higher precieved sens?
  5. I'm not trying to argue and say you're wrong, but you calculate depending on the vertical fov in the focal lenght? That's why you get no different result with 1024 vs 2560. When you play cs go streched resolution the X axis sensitivity is faster than the Y-axis, they are no longer 1-1 ratio, when I check in the mouse sensitivity caluclator I were using the horisontal fov. In my opinion it's more important to have the horisontal sens true instead of the vertical sens, but correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. I just used the monitor distance 0% converter on this site from 1024 resolution to my native resolution 2560 and it comes out higher than mine
  7. I do use native, but I was refering to Hiko's settings
  8. @Mustakrakish Btw, Hiko (cs go player) is using 2.05 ingame sens and 800 dpi on a 1024 resolution, that's even higher than me (atleast in control display wise) and he is doing pretty good in cs go.
  9. 27 inch monitor 1440p, I play with 1.2 ingame sens in cs go @ 1600 dpi that leads me to 6.58 CD with your equations @Drimzi Sounds about right that 6+ is high
  10. 10-30 minutes maybe Increasing the dpi of your mouse might help you, since it makes you learn to controll the mouse with small movements in windows and other places
  11. Yeah, I just don't take "pro" players opinions too serious because most of them are biased towards settings they used when they start gaming, like 400dpi was what mouse had when cs 1.6 was popular people still use 1024 resolution in cs go in 2018 is just pure placebo. I'm not saying my settings are perfect, but don't let others settings hold you back. One thing I have learned through out my "FPS" gaming is that if a setting doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. Play with something that you feel is natural and fits right into your style. If you play with something that doesn't suite your playstyle long enough you will get used to it, but it doesn't mean you get better with it. I have been global elite in cs go since early 2014, and I can easily solo queue to the rank if I lose it (I usually lose it due to inactivity) and I won several Faceit tournaments, including a Faceit qualifier that made us play against Fnatic and other pro teams, source: https://www.hltv.org/news/12253/faceit-march-list-completed I played in SimRai. And I'm easily Grandmaster in pubg with around 4.0K/D even though I really play for fun and do yolo stuff alot, and I play Squad competitive (squad is a game) and we are considered second best team, so my sens does work for me atleast.
  12. First of all, why don't you just try and play with it and find out yourself? I have over 3000 hours of cs go alone, I have played with everything (and I mean over 100 of hours with different senses) with 60cm / 360 - 40cm / 360 and I'm now playing with 21cm / 360 just because I play a lot more different games than just cs go so I feel like having a higher sens helps me out like in pubg, battlefield v and so on. I can still play cs go fine with 1.2 ingame sens and 1600 dpi, I actually don't feel I aim worse and I did with 1.6 ingame sens and 400 dpi (which is what I used for 1000 of hours). I'll probably trigger a lot of people saying this, but CS GO players have such a "fake" aim, the maps are too linearly and easy to learn so you can get away with low sensitivity by simply preaim spots and you hardly ever need to aim in the y-axis (you usually always have the crosshair on head height). Do this on other games like quake, pubg, battlefield or other games and I would suck so much with a slow sens like that. I can easily turn 180 deg instant with a slow sens, but I would need to "reset" my mouse a lot more when doing so, I aim best when my mouse is at a certan position on the mousepad, higher sens allows me to keep the mouse at that position of the mouse pad more basically.
  13. Did you make any updates? I swear the sensitivity changed since last time I checked today
  14. If I use Monitor Distance 75% I get a lower sensetivity than if I use 0%? Is this right?
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