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Everything posted by WhoCares?

  1. I think it's the opposite. Yes, your arm will feel tired at first, but your muscles will get used to it. But your wrist will thank you switching from high to low sensitivity. Do all aiming with your wrist in the first place you will easily get you carpal tunnel syndrome
  2. I am curious..what monitor match value is the game using?
  3. Your horizontal fov that you are seeing is actually 133.17 because you are using a 16:9 monitor. 120 horizontal fov is for 4:3 aspect ratio
  4. Is this formular valid for all aspect ratios? 21:9 as well ? (the y value would be 27/64 for 2560*1080 resolution ?)
  5. Alright, thank you I think I going to use 300 DPI with WPS at 5 for an effectiv DPI of 225 (before I used 300 WPS 6). Thats pretty close to my old 360° distance at 106.26 Hfov. This formular is close to a 80% monitor match distance (for comparison), right?
  6. Thanks, hope you enjoyed your holiday as well ! Which formular are you referring to be exact ? Between all the going back and forward between different formulars I just want to make sure I am certain what formular you are talking about This one? http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=x%3D90;+y%3D3%2F4;+h%3D1080;+m%3D2400;+w%3D1%2F8;+f%3Darctan(sqrt(2)+y+tan((π+x)%2F360));+d%3Dπ+h%2F(m+w);+d+%2F+f Or maybe this one? http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=x%3D90;+y%3D3%2F4;+h%3D1080;+m%3D2400;+w%3D1%2F8;+f%3Darctan(sqrt(2)+y+tan((π+x)%2F360));+d%3Dπ+sqrt(2)+h%2F(m+w);+d+%2F+f
  7. What CoD are we talking about? The new CoD World War 2 has a aim down sights sensitivity slider !
  8. I have roughly the same 360 distance as you and for me ist no problem If you use viewspeed 2 to calculate your zoom-in sensitivity, ads with your weapon isn't that slow (since viewspeed v2 is faster then cod's default 0% monitor match)
  9. I don't fully understand your question to be honest.. Do you mean that your sensitivity is too slow and you cant aim quick enough beause CoD is more chaotic and you have to do lage turns more often? Or are you asking if your DPI is too low for your sensitivity and you will get some pixel-skips? Or do you think that csgo and CoD are using the same sensitivity slider and 1.1 in csgo equals 1.1 in CoD ?
  10. I had to change commas for decimals, but I didn't know at that time Then another user came up with the idea that it needs to be changed. So yeah for be it was quite difficult to make it run, but right now it is working and I am loving it So thank you from my side
  11. I might be wrong, but you should use at least: ((horizontal resolution) x (360 / hfov))/ Inches for 360°= min. DPI But I find that a bit jittery too, that might be because of shannon's law (?) Someone here in the forum came of with shannon's law...if thats applies to mice too you should take your min DPI times 4 
  12. I dont think its going to added ever because they game is already out for some time and nothing happened But there is a workarround from our fellow user Skwuruhl : To be honest ist quite a lot of work to get it working, but you should give it a try
  13. Thank you for the grahps:) Some quick feedback from my side : I think it feels extremy good, but to be honest, a lot of formulars before felt quite similar and good too. Hard to tell the differences between some of them. Just looking at this and the old Viewspeed 2; I find this one (a little bit )better
  14. I am going to test it out today ! Btw, can have a graph or something later on? I am interested in how the curve looks like
  15. Yeah I think so :/ I even tried pentadecimal or tetradecimal and stuff like that, but nothing worked. Sledgehammer games did a terrible job with CoDWWII anyways (beside having a seperate ADS sensitivity slider) I have no clue why they removed one more decimal.....3 would have been enough, but 2 isnt :/ But again, thanks for your effort
  16. Thank you I feel like Sledgehammer uses some kind of algorythem , so nooone will find out how to change the sensitivity via hex editing...
  17. Okay, thanks for clarification. Thats how I understood it before, the one comment just made me unsure
  18. Oh woops, I thought this formular was valid for both 2D-3D and 3D-3D, because you had to select a specified dpi. (I use 300 DPI for Desktop) So it's not?
  19. The hex calculation is definitely broken! The spots where you find the values in the config file are still the same, but doesn't make any sense. For example: If you use 10.00 value for all 4 values ingame (horizontal, vertical, fov horizontal, fov vertical), the values in the config file should should look all the same, but in reality they all differ from eachother (I know, we have 2 decimals ingame, but when you play with a low sensitivity the discrepancy in cm is quite high .)
  20. Thats strange..I double checked before I posted to not mess something up, but I recived the wrong value twice. No I did it a third time and it is correct this time My browser might storeed someting wrong in the cache (I closed my browser in between) Sorry for the confusion
  21. Thank you, that helped me to understand how to use the Diagonal Viewspeed -formula I couldn't test it yet, but anyways thank you for all your work! Edit: There might be a little miststake in the 16:9 Formular With 300 DPI 1080p I recive 19.7909 Inches in 90 fov 4:3 19.9177 Inches in 73 vertical fov but 17.6642 Inches at 106 fov 16:9 <-That should be arround 19.xx Inches too
  22. No it isnt :/ And I think the hex edit isnt working. I am searching for some time now and I can't find 10 (00 00 20 41) or another value like 5 (00 00 a0 40) for example. In both settings_c and settings_m
  23. Just use advanced warfare, its the same Still, some people might be confused because the ingame option is missing now, I agree
  24. Is it possible to use hex edit for more decimals?
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