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Posts posted by Springfield1903

  1. On 8/10/2022 at 3:29 PM, Lateralus said:

    Same, the recommended multiplier with 0% vertical feels too slow using scoped weapons in Valorant. Even the Marshal (3.5x zoom) feels too slow in spite of the fact I'm using the faster multiplier for the Operator (2.5x).

    In Jedi's thread I can't make heads or tails of what he is going on about, because it seems overly focused on matching windows sens to game sens, which is baffling to me because I have a completely different DPI for Windows in my mouse software and it doesn't bother me in spite of the fact that I work full time on the same computer I game on, manipulating hundreds of files every day and editing dozens of financial charts.

    Edit: Ok so I found Jedi's custom graphing utility, and I think it offers me some insight. In Jedi's OP he ends the post by saying it is a compromise between tracking and flick shots. Looking at the graphs and comparing Jedi's trick sensitivity shows me exactly what he meant, as the closer shots have much smaller deviations but at the expense of larger "flick" deviations (especially on the horizontal axis, which explains why it feels "too slow"). If you set the sens higher you can significantly improve the flick deviations, but it destroys the precision for making small adjustments.

    I'm not really experienced enough to say what is more important, but I imagine it is the ability to make small adjustments. What good is hitting insane flicks if you're constantly missing the shots where you need to make a small adjustment quickly (pretty common when holding an angle, especially at long distances where you know the enemy will appear somewhere near your current aim point). Being able to Flick accurately is helpful precisely when something has already gone wrong, and you're having to fight players rushing your position at close range. It is definitely a necessary skill, but secondary. 

    With that said, Valorant has more movement compared to CS:GO (e.g. Raze's explosives behave similar to Quake rocket boosting). So I might adjust the multiplier a little higher than Jedi's trick (0.794 in my case). But I notice the vertical deviations actually get worse as you try to improve the horizontal, so it might not even help that much in Raze's case. I feel like the Marshal is kind of important anyway in Valorant anyway, more so than the Scout in CS:GO, and that requires a lower multiplier.

    FYI I'm not actually using the sensitivity calculator in this tool, only using it to visualize the different settings. So both the "sensitivity" settings in red are just listing the multiplier recommend using this site's calculator (except for 2 custom multiplier graphs of course), I just couldn't be bothered to figure out how to rename them in the data tab. The green (hipfire), is my base Valorant sens.


    Would you mind sharing your settings so us brainlets can use as reference? :o

  2. I'd like to know as well since there's not really a 1 solution answer lol 

    What I've gathered from some threads, is to basically use monitor distance - vertical and leave it at 0 or simply picking Jedi's trick vertical. But for me it feels "too slow" and really have to drag my mouse around. 

    What I do is play around with either MD-V set to 177.78  or 133.3333

  3. 2 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

    Correct, games like this are unfortunately so controller focused that any issues with mouse and keyboard gets basically no priority.

    The calculations you get from the calculator are correct for the base sensitivity though, I can see this very clearly in the data. But the random acceleration throws it off completely in certain cases, so it might feel completely off :(

    Damn, thanks bro

    I guess we mouse players are second class citizens in Halo infinite :<

  4. 1 minute ago, DPI Wizard said:

    You are correct, here it is the windowed borderless that works correctly, while unchecking it makes it unstable. But I suspect this is a bit dependent on your setup, so if you get random acceleration when windowed borderless I think it's just the same bug as I get when it's windowed.

    Here's a video of the issue, every time the camera spins here the same script is executed. So as you can see it does first almost two turns (accelerated), then one turn exactly (which is correct), then almost two again (accelerated), then one exactly (correct).


    So basically it's up to the devs to fixx it?
    And knowing 343 Industries that's not very likey... 

  5. Just now, Pherall said:

    Windows pointer speed relates the that 'some' distance moved for each count mentioned in the prior question. The reason 6/11 is accepted as the right setting for gaming is that here the multiplier for that 'some' distance is 1, and 1 x anything is itself so this means the data coming from your mouse to motion in non-raw input games is as if windows wasn't messing with the data (even if it is still adding a slight delay/packet loss which is why raw input is the better option).

    But 6/11 isn't the ONLY correct option as lots of places seem to state: here is the list of acceptable ones (this post has further correct options but they involve registry edits).

    Control panel notch:

    • 6/11 --> 1x count multiplier
    • 4/11 --> 0.5x count multiplier
    • 3/11 --> 0.25x count multiplier
    • 2/11 --> (1/16)x count multiplier
    • 1/11 --> (1/32)x count multiplier

    Why are these valid options? Well you can multiply all the multipliers by a integer to get back to 1x because they're all fractions in the form 1/n

    What this means practically is that even with these options you'll never miss an equivalent spot where 6/11 would be correct, so no skipping.

    This means if you use a higher DPI for games to be more precise (skip less angles) but it means your desktop sensitivity feels too high for you, you can chose one of these options to get it back to a desktop sensitivity you'd prefer.

    Thank you so much, for the longest time I thought 6/11 was the only valid option 

  6. Does that make sense?

    As in moving the same distance when you're ADSing/ scoped-in compared to hipfiring 

    I know there are a lot of variables and that many people suggest using MDH at 0% but that makes it feel way too slow for high magnification scopes (mainly sniper scopes) 



    I'm trying to convert from Valorant to Insurgency sandstorm and I REALLY have to drag  my mouse around when I'm using 3.0X, 7.0X scopes 

    Any suggestions are  appreciated  

  7. On 11/26/2021 at 9:30 AM, KODa said:

    Try MDH 100%, MDV 133.334% or MDV 100%.

    These are the most common ones, which you've been accustomed into if you have played without changing the ADS multiplier in first person shooters. It's mainly these and 0% that developers choose for their games.

    Man, this really helped me with halo infinite. Thank you so much 

  8. I usually roll with:


    Which works fine with halo and squad for instance, but for other games where there are different scope magnifications/zooms it feels too slow and I can't really  keep my aim on target (Like insurgency sandstorm, where I set scope MDH to 100%)

    I know maybe there's no way to perfectly match hipfire with scope/ads 1:1 to make it so I move my mouse the same distance but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated 

  9. 3 minutes ago, DPI Wizard said:

    I think the best might be to convert as you usually do and try to "ignore" the outside view of the scopes. The issue is probably that you react to how the world is moving outside of the scope, and it seems to move too slow, but the movement inside the scope is correct.

    That could be it. But when you ads with high magnification scopes the recoil increases to like 20000% 

    I'll play around with configs a little more

    Ty DPI Wizard 

  10. I was using view distance horizontal for a long time but I kept changing them, so I played around with them for a bit and came up with these settings (see pic attached) 

    I read on another thread about setting ads to 360 distance, so I did just that. While it helped a little, it still doesn't feel right.

    Best thing I can do is match the look sensitivity (hipfire) and ironsights, but the reast of the scopes feel way too different and slow

    It's like the only game I've been having trouble making conversions 


    best settings for calculations.jpg

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