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Springfield1903 last won the day on July 1 2021

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  1. Would you mind sharing your settings so us brainlets can use as reference?
  2. I'd like to know as well since there's not really a 1 solution answer lol What I've gathered from some threads, is to basically use monitor distance - vertical and leave it at 0 or simply picking Jedi's trick vertical. But for me it feels "too slow" and really have to drag my mouse around. What I do is play around with either MD-V set to 177.78 or 133.3333
  3. I'd like to know as well why 0.8, I've read some threads where people recommend 0.1 to be more precise
  4. Damn, thanks bro I guess we mouse players are second class citizens in Halo infinite :<
  5. So basically it's up to the devs to fixx it? And knowing 343 Industries that's not very likey...
  6. The game doesn't have proper fullscreen support It only has windowed borderless
  7. Even if you have it disabled in settings, acceleration is still present Is there a config file / value I can edit somewhere to completely remove it?
  8. Thank you so much, for the longest time I thought 6/11 was the only valid option
  9. Hey guys, I switched to 1600 dpi, I like how it feels in games but it's a little too fast in windows, would it affect games if I lower the speed in the windows mouse settings? Thanks
  10. If his scope sens was 1.0 would the scale % be 100?
  11. Hey excuse me,, is this feature still a thing?I tried typing auto but it basically registers it as a 0 monitor distance
  12. Does that make sense? As in moving the same distance when you're ADSing/ scoped-in compared to hipfiring I know there are a lot of variables and that many people suggest using MDH at 0% but that makes it feel way too slow for high magnification scopes (mainly sniper scopes) https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=fc2a355f137182be854b7c2f4f321ce9 I'm trying to convert from Valorant to Insurgency sandstorm and I REALLY have to drag my mouse around when I'm using 3.0X, 7.0X scopes Any suggestions are appreciated
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