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advice needed: low sensitivity players

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so my sensitivity which i use mainly in csgo and bf5/bf1 is 2.28 @400dpi

i can flick perfect and i am very accurate with this sense but when its getting hectic in bf5/1 i feel my aim is way to slow! (or i am getting tired in my arm lol)

so what to do? raise the sense or keep my perfect sensitivity


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No one can answer that for you.

Like the old saying in the scientific community goes, every properly formulated question contains it's own answer. There's a lot of variables you seemingly haven't considered in the question, not least your own playstyle and approach to the game. If you approach BF with a playstyle like Rela and try to use a sens like Meyek you will no doubt come across issues

If you think about what you are trying to do properly, you will figure out what is best for you, young padowan.

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You can try making the 360 distance for csgo the same as when you're aiming down sights, that way if you're not using uniform soldier aiming your hipfire will be faster and ads will be the one you're used to making it easy to spin around but be accurate when actually going to shoot. IF you're using uniform soldier aiming on however, i suppose you're going to either have to lower your fov to csgo's fov ( 74+90 ) or get used to the slower sensitivity. 



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3 hours ago, YungTrapperZoj said:

You can try making the 360 distance for csgo the same as when you're aiming down sights, that way if you're not using uniform soldier aiming your hipfire will be faster and ads will be the one you're used to making it easy to spin around but be accurate when actually going to shoot. IF you're using uniform soldier aiming on however, i suppose you're going to either have to lower your fov to csgo's fov ( 74+90 ) or get used to the slower sensitivity. 



In BF5 and BF1 USA On or Off is virtually no different now, they just use either a fixed 100% vmonitor distance, or a tunable one. He should be matching his FOV in either case for best results.

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I think this is something lots have wondered about.... high or low... CSGO is much more playable with low sens due to the predictable flow of maps. 

Ultimately it takes more skill to be accurate with a faster sens. Slower sens gives you easier accuracy at the loss of movement / manoeuvrability. 

Really you need to decide on your gameplay, and be realistic with your skill level. There's some incredibly accurate players using very fast sensitivies.

My highest scores in kovacs aim trainer are with slow sens, but it's not practical in game. Theres always pros and cons, different games weigh up differently.

Edited by DNAMTE
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^^ exactly this! that is what im seeing to! being very accurate with lower sense but not practical in games.

i am using aimlab recently to train my aim , but seeing some of that exercises with insane levels of tracking speed is totally not realistic with games like csgo, bf etc

people can be confused to go for a higher sense to combat that!


what i'm thinking what should be a good option is to input walk speeds, run speeds (the game you train for), so you can adapt much better instead aiming on objects flying faster then a rocket lol

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, I am studying sports and it does not suprise that you getting fast fatigue as bodybuilder if you play fps games. If you want to work on this you have to train different like a body builder would. It is not about to give up your amateur bodybuilding. It just would be usefull to train also around that. But still you will have more problems than other players. Since you have more muscles you also use more muscles wich is making you faster fatigue. 

That you can hit alot of shots in lets call it "slow combat situation" is understandable since you have a low sens. And also that you have a harder time in fast combat situations. For fast fps games it makes allways sens if you can handle a 180 without feeling uncomfortable. In some games it might be not really neccessary to go with a high sens since you never really have to turn around (... I mean if you have to you probably dead... for example csgo).

You might feared that your aim will be off if you higher the sens but this is actually wrong. Its allways possible to get a good aim on a higher sens specially when you playing on low sens. It might need time and also depends on your practice plan. It is most likely the same as in bodybuilding. I am pretty sure you know very well if you have a good training plan you reach your goals faster than without a trainingsplan. And as you probably know, alt of peopel never get the muscles or reduce the fat they want because they dont follow a trainingsplan or a nutrition plan. 

For aiming you need a good reaction time, hand eye coordination, hand-, armproception, eye tracking and mental strength. If you train this you can also go with a higher sense were you feel more comfortable but it might be very frustrating in the beginning since you need time to get back to your old skill level.

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