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DPI Wizard

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Everything posted by DPI Wizard

  1. Added. This is exactly the same as the old Gigantic, so I have updated the name. This is already added as just Space Hulk: Deathwing as they are identical, however you have to use the in-game calculation as the config file does not work for the Enhanced Edition. This game does not have a numerical value to the sensitivity slider and setting the sensitivity in the config file does not work, so it can't be added.
  2. This game does not have a numerical value to the sensitivity slider and setting the sensitivity in the config file does not work, so it can't be added.
  3. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing. View full update
  4. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.
  5. These commands are not in the right format for the file, and changing them to the correct format does not solve any of the issues unfortunately.
  6. The camera has to be able to be tilted all the way down so you look straight ahead. It's not possible to analyze the FOV otherwise.
  7. If that is the case and since it's Unreal Engine based from what I can gather, the correct factor is likely ~0.37718 or ~0.37714 depending on how they implemented the sensitivity. Once I get access to the game we will know for sure
  8. Is the camera tilt fixed in this game, or can you tilt up and down? Unless it can be tilted down to look straight ahead, it can't be added.
  9. DPI Wizard


    Games added Arena Breakout: Infinite Project L33T Game updated Sea of Thieves - Added new weapons.
  10. Hipfire is added for Arena Breakout: Infinite, aims are in the works.
  11. Hipfire is added, aims coming soon! View full update
  12. Hipfire is added, aims coming soon!
  13. Try this, it's designed to do this in games: https://github.com/KovaaK/SensitivityMatcher/releases
  14. The specific movement and speed of the script is tailored to the exact distance and speed of the target, so it will only work in that exact scenario with that exact sensitivity. In other words, not usable as a base to do testing. Also, to get this right you have to have a target that moves consistently and not move at all yourself between changing the scopes.
  15. See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing. View full update
  16. DPI Wizard

    Project L33T

    See the game notes for instructions on how to disable smoothing.
  17. I was travelling when the drop was and just missed it, so I didn't get any
  18. I have only tested the ADS, and it has the same FOV but different 360 distance, so we really need a separate ADS sensitivity for it to be somewhat usable.
  19. I don't currently have access, but will add it as soon as I do!
  20. As mentioned it would not make any sense to have this option. In what scenario would you use it?
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