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iBerggman last won the day on July 28 2019

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  1. Thought I'd post this in case anyone else needed the config key value for mouse wheel scroll up/down since the in game control menu doesn't seem to pick up the scroll wheel inputs: Go to the Input.ini (Path:%LOCALAPPDATA%\Witchfire\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Input.ini) and chance the "Key=XXXXXX" of the actionmapping you want to "Key=MouseScrollDown" or "Key=MouseScrollUp". For example I wanted scroll up to select my primary and down for secondary: ActionMappings=(ActionName="PrimaryWeapon",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,Key=MouseScrollUp) ActionMappings=(ActionName="SecondaryWeapon",bShift=False,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False,Key=MouseScrollDown)
  2. @DPI Wizard Would it be possible to add the Bow and Musket aim as a calculator option so you could sacrifice "hipfire" sensitivity for a more accurate aiming sensitivity?
  3. @DPI Wizard The Cold Blood 1.9 update just released today so now is a good time to revisit Insurgency: Sandstorm. The patch brought some additional field of views and zoom sensitivities with the addition of new sights as well as toggleable zoom levels on some of the existing optics.
  4. Is your ads field of view on "independent" or "affected"? Independent on legacy/zoom ratio/0% would definitely make the ads feel uncomfortably slow due to it zooming in so much compared to the higher hipfire fov. Other than that I don't know, I thought the mouse input felt pretty much the same as MW2019, not that I really played that all that much but oh well.
  5. The best thing to do really would probably be to compile a proper write up on how a monitor match/usa system could be implemented complete with the explanations for why it works as well as formulas required for the coding and post it to reddit and hope it gains traction there. Honestly, I'm not sure they're even aware there's a "correct" way to scale the sensitivity based on fov. I've only really been following the development of the game since I started playing in December last year but I've noticed that proper well written/thought out suggestions on reddit tend to get noticed fast by the devs and often make it into the game. If anyone has too much spare time there's a project for you to take on
  6. Honestly though, until Nikita gets rid of the "this game is not supposed to be fun" quirks like turn speed reduction, sprinting sensitivity reduction and nonsensical sensitives for different fovs I don't really even see the point in using the calculator at all let alone adding more scopes than perhaps the PK-06, Valday and maybe one of the Vudus since in the end you're not going to have a correct sensitivity anyway? Unless you never change scope or edit the .cfg between every raid ofc, but who has the time or patience for that? The game also seems to reset any 2+ decimals you set in the .cfg as soon as you change any setting in the menus so at this point you're probably best of just using the 0.0X decimal that works for as many sights you use as possible.
  7. Good point about the wrist movements range, if this ends up working for you I'd recommend you really make sure that your sensitivity is high enough that it allows you to do as much screen movement you need without over extending the wrist laterally. I used to play on ~60cm and even lower and found that pretty often I would try to do more movement than my wrist allowed which would make my wrist tire quickly and this is what can easily cause injuries if you keep it up over time. I thought I preferred to use my arm as much as possible but I've realized that certain movements just feel more intuitive to do with wrist movements so I always found myself using both (sometimes without realizing at first) even if I tried to only use arm movements . I've since been working on raising my sensitivity, currently I'm sitting around 47cm and it's a lot better, every now and then I still run out of wrist range so I'm thinking 40cm might indeed be the way to go if you can get used to it. This is once again one of these things there isn't really a set answer to so you'll just have to figure it out on your own, that being said 40cm (at ~106.26/103 fov) should be a good starting point.
  8. Yeah it's a shame really, honestly I don't think they changed anything else than adjust that multiplier for the low magnification so they feel more in line so I'd assume everything else should still be the same as before. The good thing is this should just be the start, they're supposed to be completely reworking the sights so that for example the mildots actually work like they should so hopefully proper sensitivity scaling is on the to-do list as well, pretty much all the mechanics in the game are placeholder after all.
  9. Thanks, I kinda figured as much based on the sensitivity value. I'd expect the 1x to be a lot higher.
  10. Is that the 1x or "4x" magnification on the TAC30? I'm curious to see how the 1x scaling compares to the dedicated 1x sights.
  11. The only thing they really changed as far as sensitivity goes is that the aiming sensitivity scaling is now also applied to the 1x/low magnification option for scopes rather than just the 6x like it used to be. There's still no option to individually change the scaling on a per fov basis but atleast the 1x on the Valday and Vudus are usable now since they were ridiculously slow compared to the rest.
  12. Patch 0.12.5 is being installed right at this moment, it apparently contains fixes to the sensitivity of scopes, mainly better sensitivity support for sights with multiple zoom levels. Might be a good time to check the Valday and Eotech Vudu 1-6 scope if you have access to them since those are probably the most used ones. @DPI Wizard
  13. It's not an in-game setting, it's a field in the calculator that allows you to calculate the hipfire sensitivity that will cancel out the turn rate reduction of the gear you're using. You have to Inspect the armor and helmet and put the sum of the turn speed reduction into the "Sensitivity 1" field in the calculator, if you for example use a 6B43 Zabralo armor with a Change turning speed of -21% and a Altyn helmet with -17% and -8% from the faceshield you'd put 46 for correct hipfire.
  14. Tbh I gave up on trying to have an accurate conversion for anything besides hipfire and even that doesn't really feel to be worth doing since the slowdown from sprinting and so on makes it feel completely off for a lot of the time anyhow. Somehow the correct ads sensitivity feels a lot faster than you'd expect too, especially on the 1x sights so in the end I decided to just do it by feel. I thought the PSO 1M2-1 worked well enough for 1x too even though it's quite a bit slower than what's correct so I ended up raising it a bit and will probably keep using that until they release the optic overhaul.
  15. I suppose it's worth mentioning that on the last TarkovTV dev stream Nikita mentioned that an optics overhaul is one of their high priority "tasks" so at this point it's probably best to only add the scopes people regularly use, they'll also be working on moving to a monthly update schedule so things could change a lot in the (near) future.
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