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fortunate reee

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Posts posted by fortunate reee

  1. 1 hour ago, greddy said:


    Im currently playing MW2, my goal is to have the same sensitivity in all different zoom levels, hipfire ads 2x 5x 10x etc.
    I've been trying to figure this one out but I've not yet succeeded, i would love some help :)


    Playing  both
    5 Sensitivity

    what steps have you taken share your conversion setup have you read the instructions ?

  2. 2 hours ago, xiaofeng11378 said:

    Hi mate, I really like your transfering mathod, but one thing I'm confused is, when I try to calculate this for COD19, what value of sensitivity2 should I fill in (default value was 1.333333)? Cheers@TheNoobPolice

    1.33 in this case would be the default in cod that maches with having this setup in the calc



    actually does not really matter what you enter there given that the site will give you numbers foreach scope & zoom level

  3. 3 hours ago, opp said:

    使用換算器BF 2042到其他遊戲都會顯示dpi不能大於1 

    請問是有何解決方法?我BF 2042遊戲滑鼠是調12想轉換到overwatch 2的靈敏度


    image.png.f5d4da561aabc6307190db6aa2c32f89.png<-  next time pls use this pls


    assuming that you need to use in game instead of config file (config uses a different scale than in game )

  4. 5 hours ago, Bear2150 said:

    Where do I input the relative aim sense?


    Also Do i want Enable High Precision mouse input enabled under Gameplay>Miscellaneous?


    you need to pick the specific hero, needlessly complicated but if you pick ana orwidow in the settings itll show up


    give high prec a try if you notice soemthign good or bad try the other option when in doubt use what feels better

  5. 37 minutes ago, Xonnorelll said:

    Hello guys, I play those 2 games most of the time.

    If I want to have to have the same kind of sensitivity on both games, should I play with uniform soldier aiming on with 0% coefficient or should i turn it off?


    TY a lot for your help!

    using it is far better than not using it

    and the extent to which you use it or with which multiplier is mostly preference

  6. 4 hours ago, Ignited said:

    1. So i’ve been using 1:1 (hipfire:ads) sensitivity  for all of the games I play. I’m curious what would be the best method for converting my sensitivities across multiple games. I’m mainly aiming for consistency.

    2. So i’ve moved from Modern warfare 2019 (120 fov) to Overwatch (103 fov) and I converted my sensitivity using monitor distance. Would of choosing 360 distance kept a more consistent feel to aiming?

    3. I recently changed for 800 dpi to 1600 dpi and changed my sensitivity from  14 to 7 and it feels different . Did I do something wrong? Also does this change actually effect latency and is there pixel skipping with 800 dpi? 



    1.  id generally suggest checking out the instructions tab on the left hand side if you havent jsut saves us alot of time and effort when it comes to terminology

    if you are trying to say 1:1 = same 360 distance for scopes and hipfire id recommend against doing that since its simply inconsitent, for hipfire matches 360 distance is great due to movement and navigation but you tend to give up precision the second you dont have the same fov. for ads / scopes something closer to 0% mdv would be mathematically "ideal" , personallyhavent tried monitor distance  dynamic but from the sounds of it that could be viable.

    2. well yes but actually no, the consitency you mention here is somethign you will regain after some time and studies have shown that motor functions actually get better by mixing things up from time to time. could use 360 for movement it will feeel off but have the same distance due to the fov change for scopes you will quickly notice that 360 distance does not work for scopes with hih zoom and also doesnt really work well with any scope.

    if you want to have the same feel + 360 distance, without matching your fov  youd have to use something like this calc link the biggest isue with this would be the price you pay for the big diff in fov by giving up screen space ( using black bars)

    3.effectively the same settings with different numbers its smoother and ingame menus and windows will initially feel weird but there is no negative to it. i prefer 800 because it deosnt feel as natural to me as 800 does so its mostly preference, besides minor advantages of higher dpi when it comes to acceleration tools like raw acell. there is no difference in input lag between 1600 and 800 or 400 most of the talk about input lag came from a video that screwed up its testing methodology.


    pixel skipping isnt as big of a problem as most believe it to be atleastw hile using reasonable settings image.png.7eb2f6d6d0b15dbe3575bca51ce7cee4.png

    you can use the pixel ratio value as a tool if its above 1.0pixels / count id suggest changing raising dpi andor lowering in game sens accordignly.


    generally suggest trainign  in the fov ranges between 120 and 100fov if you ever aim train so you get comfy with scopes but id not use such a massive fov as 120 for hipfire in anything but arena shooters even then i personally prefer 110 or less.


  7. 14 minutes ago, Farmer said:

    Ok I fixed it with links my bad!


    if you are usign 1.0 ads in valorant this is how youd convert it

    image.png.f0b9724edd1c3807654a4f34664852cc.png if not youd change the scale insetad of the monitor distacne value 0.7 ads would be 70% scale etc

  8. 3 hours ago, TonixCxy said:

    My settings in siege are as follows, I would appreciate if someone can convert this Horizontal and Vertical 1:1

    Res: 1920 - 1080

    Horizontal and Vertical - 12

    Fov: 84

    Apect ratio: 16:10

    DPI: 400

    Monitor: 27 inch

    making 2 posts makes very little sens you can simply edit 1 of them and striek the other


    this is pretty much what you want, if you want to match another game make sure to match the fov and aspect ration or else you will not hae a feel of uniformity if you have to use stretched fro whateer reaso


  9. On 21/07/2022 at 08:48, Chrollo said:

    a lot of debate on this topic

    this is indeed rather difficult given that there is just as much, if not even singificantly more  pseudo scientific "trust me bro" stuff floating about on reddit. i like to stick to the aiming oriented side of the internet instead of the game side when it comes to aim.

    since i have seen years of debate and missinformation(i dotn believe many of those were doen on purpose but sill)  about all of that stuff above great example was this

    took years for siege to implement this due to there not being a bit of information about this and the siege community being notoriously 360distance driven

    (soemthing i also did for some time, and can now say that i am not a fan of anymore, due to copying some pro players sens that jsut so happend to change their settings a bit )


    similar thing with the gsync // vsync stuff mentioned before, with it luckily having been fixed due to a rise in the quality of monitor reviews and general oppinion on variable refreshrate rising

    tldr: just because there are Arguemnts or debates doesnt always mean that there are two valid choices unfortunately 😕


  10. On 21/07/2022 at 08:48, Chrollo said:

    Very interesting to read. After many years as part of the CSGO community I've always believed to not change your settings for long-term consistency, hence me never really changing any settings, even small changes such as crosshair. But it seems like it's not as bad as I think it is. Aside from this reply I've also done a bit more researching on my own and seems there's a lot of debate on this topic and it's interesting to hear the other side of the argument

    Personally as someone who started playing CS many years ago with a very tiny mousepad I've had to play with high sens from the start. I have tried lowering my sens in the past and changing it up but it seems that I am really bad with arm aiming. Probably why I decided to stick to what I'm comfortable with over the years  

    if you ever consider switching again make sure your posture is good then make sure that you have the range of motion and space needed i personally dont think that the psa method is as great as its praised to be by some csgo heads but its deffintily one way to go if you want to get into a "comfortable" lowsense.

    pretty sure that one of the more important things to do when you actually try to move into another sens range is sticking to whatever you are trying to work with instead of getting discourraged, you wont "unlearn" your old sens so using a new sens for a week or two wil just give you more range to work with long term similar to using a new pair of shoes might feel different initially but wont make relearn walking.

    On 21/07/2022 at 08:48, Chrollo said:

    many years as part of the CSGO community

    one of the biggest filter bubbles when it comes to beliefs as old as its playerbase

    On 21/07/2022 at 08:48, Chrollo said:

    very tiny mousepad

    havent we all initially played on a tiny mouspad using some chunk of a mouse that resembled a brick good times :) 

  11. 2 hours ago, Chrollo said:

    "Constantly changing settings and equipment is a surefire way to be a permanent newb"

    tldr: cap (a latam thing to say they are all about their  "muscle memory" and other sketchy stuff)


    having a set 360 distance makes learning how to aim alot simpler initially but given how different games are using different fov / perspectives that can be a bit difficult and looking at how much one,and their preferences tend to change over time that deosnt really make sense.

    from my long term experience with trying to match sens over the years i have noticed that the more i played the less ime it took for me to " get gud" at games and warmup time to a new sens and or new game shrunk significantly. said experience i have made matches quite well with this paper about motor skills ( although the exact match between motor function and hand eye coordination and  gaming isnt clear)


    this pdf kind of jsut says that we tend to get better at certain motor functions / sports and by extension if we soemwhat regularly mix up or parameters (in this case sens /seetings or gear) and thus have our brain reconsolidate the brain functions used in aiming (when applied to gaming that is, obviously not this papers main target area while still being somewhat applicable).

    ^this doesnt mean that you might not get a bit more consistent by usign a certain range of sens instead of all of it at this point in time i can use the 30-80 cm range with a decent level of consistency and very little warmup time 


    i personally wouldnt recommend taking alot of advice from pro players since they have played their respective game for multiple thousand hrs they are prone to be good at it given the amount of time and dedication and often pure talent at what they do that isnt caused by their sens / settings or gear but simply their respective body & or mind 

    we have seen that same "a pro said this is true so it must be true" stuff with:

    -4:3 stretched res (being "uniformally good &the only true res to use if you want to be good")

    -matching the same 360distance even when you dont have the same fov (which wont give you  the same feeling) although it does make your navifgation esier

    -vsync = gsync ( "adding input lag") , also not true when done properly [ vsync can add inputlag when you dont cap your fps, and gsync actualy reduces lag when you configure itproperly ]

    -mouse accel "being bad" - a myth created mostly due to bad game implementations and windows enhanced pointer precision (which is bad )

    -screen tearing

    ^this being a great example of a pro with a ton of fps experience and talent when it comes to games in general that has no idea what certain things and what he is talking about. many of them have their beliefs which doesnt mean that their skills should be an excuse for them missinforming their audiences



    id actually suggest listening to the guys over at


    when it comes to aiming /trainign mechanics and playing the game for building up game sense because that is something many forget,

    which will actually improve overtime games arent just mechanics to learn but also strats angles etc to memorize


  12. On 06/07/2022 at 08:22, Chrollo said:

    Plot twist: I was really desperate to get my aim back and stuff so I just decided to just buy a subscription since it wasn't pricey like I thought it would be. After using the calculator to confirm stuff it gave me the same sensitivity using the method shown above lmao. Anyways problem solved I guess

    tbf, either way aim wouldnt be lost long term that much i can ssure you changign and mixing up your sens from time to time can be very benefitial but yes i like uniformity as well

    i remembered that post having been a long time couldnt find it myself tho, great to hear that you`ve found what you were lookin for

  13. 15 hours ago, Chrollo said:

    Thanks for the answer, I assume you meant " the change in 'monitor size' will affect your perceived sens even if you have the same res/ settings"

    Unfortunately at the moment I don't plan on getting a subscription in order to get access to monitor distance conversions, since I really don't see myself using the calculator a lot in the future.  Is there a different way or at this point should I just have to experiment with maybe lowering my sens since it feels a bit faster ever since I switched setups? Thanks.

    correct i had rewritten the thing and must have stumbled, most of it can be done with a bit of tinkering using your perception and trial and error

  14. 8 hours ago, Chrollo said:

    Hi, new user here, and this problem has been frustrating me for a while now:

    A few months ago I switched from a 14.5 inch screen laptop (Lenovo Ideapad 330s) to a new desktop setup with a 20 inch monitor and my aim feels different. 

    On both PCs, I play on the same in - game sensitivity (0.43) and mouse DPI of 1150. I played on the native 16:9 1366 x 768 on the laptop and decided to stick to the same resolution for the desktop.   

    I assume that my aim feels off because of the difference in the size of the screens. I have been searching online for answers but there are a lot of different answers. I decided to follow the advice of keeping the sensitivity the same since apparently it is only the feel of the sensitivity that changes and that it shouldn't take long for me to adjust. However, after about 2 months of playing, I still feel like my aim wasn't as good as it used to be. I have considered changing my sens but I feel like it will only throw me off even more. What should I do? 

    while i really like the fact that you are trying to match your resolution& 360 distance the change in res will affect your perceived sens even if you have the same res/ settings

    you can see this here https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/?share=ff645fd24a9a36a7a903647fa65e0543

    the effect you notice is similar to the effect of changing your fov and can be counteracted by using monitor distance instead of 360 for hipfire its a matter of taste


  15. 16 hours ago, Synaptic said:

    Trying to setup my ads sens properly and figure out conversion to other games but to find my ads sens and match them all I need to figure out the mdc right? No idea what coefficient the game uses or how to transfer my sens to other games without it and ive spent 8 hrs looking to try and figure out what setting rb6 uses and whether its vertical or horizontal. 

    its not about vertical or horizontal just like your monitor / screen each point of the vertical axis also has a point on the horizontal axis 

    especially in sieges case that doesnt matter since the default 50 ads that has been changed in an update some time ago is the ideal setting matching 0%mdv / 0% mdh

    so if you want an uniform experience id generally suggest sticking with any scale mentioned in the instructions they all have an explanation

    then jsut not overdoing the fov (you dont need 120) and you should be fine

  16. 1 hour ago, fortunate reee said:

    given that the studies provided are supposed to show the affect and range of sens applicaable to most users having non "gamers" in there would be just as important as having "gamers". its less about who uses the sense sice they cycled through subjects giving them eacha  range of senses to use based on the games used for the tests. its a well thought out study given what it tries to show.

    and this is about as much effort i am willing to offer you in order to help you understand what my issue is with this whole thread


  17. 17 hours ago, heckminth said:

    don't just dismiss and say, "science."

    of course i will do so given that science actually shows evidence in favor of what i stated, contrary to anything you have linked as of yet.

    i like that video of simple since his final take on the whole thing is that that you should ideally mix up wrist and arm aim which does not match with the stuff you were talking about at all since you are cherry picking aspects of his explanation which could be interpreted to match your ideas while being dismissive of everythign else he talks about (from aproximately 1:35 onwards) given that he strongly proposes usign a well rounded mix of the given points of contact mixing both the precision of fingertip aim as well as wrist and arm movements in order to reap the benefits of granualar movement control and ease of targeting as well as teh fine control of fingertip/ wrist movements which is somethign i 100% agree with.

    btw i like that your answer to scientific research and evidence is "here is a pro player that doesnt not match my idea but ill cherry pick some of it"  another great thing to remember here is that while he is a great cs player and by the nature of having played multiple thousand hrs of fps games also a very talented fps player in general this doesnt give him more credibility than scientific papers backed up by proper research with a foundation in empiric evidence.

    17 hours ago, heckminth said:

    just 10 minutes on it she has gone from silver aim to what I would say is reasonable for a master guardian player

    this is the perfect example for the kind of  "trust me bro" stuff that makes me very much sceptical of anything.

    if you want to be taken serious write it down collect data of you trainign with it and show your progress using something like kovaak`s then post about it in a neutral fashion not exagerating the effects and applicability for the broader userbase, ideally not missleading others and we are good. (i am not asking you to change its great when there are new concepts to try out and id gladly try and give feedback myself given that this would be the process of finding new concepts in regards to sens and aim but the way this whole post has been brought up is either a giant troll or simply emotionally tainted broscience.  


    short addendum:

    given that the studies provided are supposed to show the affect and range of sens applicaable to most users having non "gamers" in there would be just as important as having "gamers". its less about who uses the sense sice they cycled through subjects giving them eacha  range of senses to use based on the games used for the tests. its a well thought out study given what it tries to show.

    and this is about as much effort i am willing to offer you in order to help you understand what my issue is with this whole thread

  18. 20 hours ago, heckminth said:

    You need to research this. Go watch at least a half hour of the presentation that I linked. What I stated is, in fact, how the human body works. Muscle recruitment can be increased through high effort training. There are people born with medical conditions who have extremely high muscle recruitment and so are able to perform feats requiring inhuman levels of strength that would otherwise be impossible given their overall muscle mass. Most trained athletes only recruit a maximum of 50% of their muscle fibers in any activity, the average person is capable of recruiting only 20-30% of their muscle fibers. Increasing muscle recruitment increases grip strength which allows you to lift much heavier loads. This is why adrenaline makes you stronger. You're not instantly gaining more muscle, you're just using more of the muscles you have at once. Adrenaline makes your blood vessels contract and causes your heart and lungs to work faster, so they direct more blood to your heart and muscles, resulting in a temporary boost in strength which can typically last for up to an hour. Permanent increases in maximum strength are either the result of an increase in muscle mass or an increase in the maximum percentage of motor units that can be recruited at once. It's called the mind-body connection. The stronger the individual muscle, the more controlled the individual contraction. If your wrist is very strong, your aim will be controlled. If you use your arm and shoulder, you will need a lot more strength in all of those muscles to keep the overall motion just as controlled. It takes more coordination to move more muscles than it does to move just a few. That's the principle that the OP was talking about.

    You call this method ridiculous because it flies in the face of what you currently believe to be the correct methodology, in other words, you have a bias to ridicule it. And that's fine, you can ridicule all you want, but at least base your ridicule on evidence. There are indeed a lot of pseudoscientific claims made about aiming, but the claims that the OP is making are backed by actual physiology. These so-called "ridiculous" sensitivities are practical for some people. Why do Quake players have a reputation for really great aim if most of them use high sensitivities and high sensitivities are supposed to be bad? I have provided empirical evidence that aiming with a really high sensitivity works for me, just watch the clips I sent where I am on 11cm/360 (or roughly 4.3inches/360). I am not suggesting that a high sensitivity will work for you or for everyone, I am just stating the fact that it has worked for me and that it can work for other people. It's different to what you would expect, but it's not wrong.

    aim or rather mouse control has, as far as studies woudl go, very little to do with muscle mass or muscle gain/decrease which is funny because for years that appeared to be the status quo in gaming with teh whole muscle memory pseudo science everyone at one point fell for. what you are achieving with that extremely high sens is alot of effort that can be used without question since humans are very much adaptable but that level of fine motor control needed to use that for extended periods of time is better used

    somethign factual we do know about aim is that they can be honed through training and expanding or rather mixing up your range of motion which will also apply to your concept of a good distance to use so that is somethign i am sure we can agree on. I would however suggest taking a look at this paper on sens ranges and to be more specific their recommendations in terms of sens selection.

    btw you should really not bring up quake( a rather tracking intensive arena shooter) while generalising fps games in general since that kind of game is known to be on the upper spectrum of the sens range which isnt really a great when trying to bring forth a universally applicable method is it?

    this whole thread has this distinctive taste of Latam bro science to it, which i am not very font of.


    its great that your are trying to help others what you are suggesting simply doesnt match with any studies or papers that actually apply to gaming / fps games which i consider to be missleading given that with something like accel you are in fact able to use higher sense caps giving you advantages that youd achieve by using high sens without actually giving up the perceived stability and more importantly comfort / precision of low sens.

    just because somethign "works" for you doesnt mean that you wouldnt be able to perform better doing selecting a more stable approach to sens


    "Our results show that reconsolidation provides a crucial mechanism for the strengthening of an existing motor skill. Increased sensorimotor variability after skill retrieval promotes additional learning changes that are absent following the simple continuation of practice." source

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