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fortunate reee

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Posts posted by fortunate reee

  1. 12 hours ago, heckminth said:

    Not enough motor units are going off. The solution is to train at maximum effort (the greatest force) causing muscle recruitment to increase

    this is nowhere close to how the human body or motor control works unless we are memeing this ridicoulous post then never mind

    much muscle units for maximum muscle memory ooga booga

  2. 8 hours ago, FuelUnits said:

    'm just unsure if the calculator settings and inputs seem correct, as when I play Valorant it definitely seems kind of off

    this really isnt the way to go since your brain is used to your hipfire 360 for movement & navigation

    please go have a read


    there is a share button which allows you to share your exact config through a link

    8 hours ago, FuelUnits said:

    Should the 360 Distance match?

    depends in how hard a change in fov affects your perception of sens but generally yes

    8 hours ago, FuelUnits said:

    Should I use Battlefields hipfire instead of the ADS sens?

    YES makes no sense using scope to hipfire


  3. 1 hour ago, LockeLamora_ said:

    So, i'm  trying to convert my Valorant settings to sea of thieves. I input my sens and fov (Can't change Valortant fov, locked at 103) And then i convert to sea of thieves. The max fov for sea of thieves is 90, however the sens it is telling me to use is no where near the sens of Valorant, infact it is considerably slower. Am i doing something wrong? :(

    pls use the share function ( purple button ) and either eddit your first post with the link or add another post in this thread

  4. 3 hours ago, Snook_ said:

    The reasoning is very flawed, just fix your posture and general health and you won't get injured from 'gaming'. Just going to the gymn has higher risk of muscular injury lol, and thats considered healthy.

    OP needs to watch this, fantastic overview of the anatomy and looking after yourself while finding a comfortable sensitivity that can be consistently performed under pressure and adrenalin (IE NOT 2cm 360's hahaha)


    that video has alot of pseudo scientific stuff as well but the psa method 8as flawed as it is ) is still better than using that increadbly unreliable concept initially suggested

    anything in the 30-60 cm range is seemingly reliable and can be used by the vast majority of users and that should be where the psa method (the video) gets you to 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Jorgemark said:

    I typically disregard extended messages since they generally turn out to be irritating about their sub par thinking for utilizing extended

    be that as it may, you havent made it exceptionally obvious in any case is your screen really 16:10 or are you utilizing extended res ?

    really old thread of an inactive user  you`ve dug up here also a native 16:10 users as stated in a post above

  6. 18 hours ago, Chrometastic said:

    If you use your arm... 

    Possible injuries can result: 
    Shoulders (rotation of the arm)

    If you use your wrist
    Possible injuries can happen:


    I'm just reducing what can be injured at one given point... 

    IRL example: 

    Bending at the back, vs bending only with the knees. Bending at the back can cause injury to 33 vertebrae's 


    Bending at the knees can cause injury to the knee. 

    I would take one point of failure than 33 points of failure. 

    However, it does not help if you play 24hr+ of gaming and not take a break, so overall reduce amount of play time, stretch and drink water... 

    unfortunately you missed my point this shouldnt be about using arm or wrist aim.

    its not about only using one aspect / muscle group exclusively its about mixing them up (while ideallly sitting properly but that is another thing ) within their ideal range of motion reducing your overall risk of injury. none of us is qualified to argue about health benefits of either so lets stay real here.

    there also is acceleration which will allow you to not have to rely on methods as archaic as this one in order to reduce strain while still giving you the option to be precise using a mix of low and high sens and not having to strain your wrists as much while plaing

    18 hours ago, Chrometastic said:



    there is a violet / purple button in that screenshot which will create a link you can share that will let others see and mimic your settings (although that one really doesnt show much if anything) 

  7. 12 hours ago, Minzent said:


    The two settings this question is about are above.

    Basically I just cant get the feeling right: Does relative make the ads actually feel slower than the the hipfire? I want to have be Hipfire to ADS 1:1 sens. I read countless reddit posts but this still bothers me alot.. Ingame I checked travel distance etc. but it somehow still feels slower, or is it just in my head? Other games I play like Paladins dont support choosing between something like that, but there the ADS feels quite fast, Im pretty sure thats 1:1. Might be wrong. Fortnite I played at ADS 100%. 

    Really desperate about that, please excuse in case I've missed something where it has been answered already.

    im assuming that you are talking about the cod setting, generally wont find usefull info on reddit since that place is still stuck at edpi and other cave drawings when it comes to aim. There is a thread in the forums indulging in the topic to an extensive degree which you might be able by searching for relative  or "legacy"  or "cod warzone" its mostly preferece but overall legacy is for a very neiche audience since it changes the scope fov (which can and will make things feel different in terms of speed even when it does not affect teh distance )

  8. On 29/05/2022 at 16:47, stalkerbronet said:

    Whole text is white and unreadable

    works with darkmode on firefox

    although the whole text is fundamentally flawed given that it follows the trope of having you stick to a single style of aiming (arm / wrist ) when in reality you will and should naturally mix it up and use the respective styles in their native ranges as to prevent injuries  long term due to over extension (of your wrist )

  9. On 20/05/2022 at 07:22, cz1234 said:



    I dont know if anyone can help...

    I want to experiment with streched resolution (2304x1440) in some games  (csgo, pubg, fortnite, BFV). Will changing the resolution affect my vertical sensitivity? and if so how do i fix this?

    If anyone could help that would be great, thanks!




    yes streched res will not allow you to match both axis, making both the axis you cant match, as well as any kind of diagonal movement off when matched with native res.

    so unless you can and or want to use stretched for every single game / program you use + your desktop it will just limit your overall ease of use with no actual benefit given in return 

    tbf i have used stretched res in the past and can pretty reliably say that its not necessary to play high level fps games, mostly a matter of preference just like black bars



  10. 8 hours ago, Benito Camelo said:

    Ok. My question basically is if I can use 0% MDV for some scopes and 178% for others. The thing is you can only have one MDV not two, so I would need to somehow mimic a 1.78 coefficient for the scopes I'd like. Wondering if there is a tool that can mimic a 1.78 MDV while using 0 as the MDV. Maybe scaling it or somehow I really don't know. 

    I have a question. I have been wondering if this tool has an option that can calculate or scale a Monitor Distance Value while using another value. So lets say I use 1.78 on native res (which will be 1920x1080 (100%)) but then have a specific scope scaled to an ads value that would mimic 0% MDV while still on 1.78. 

    so i did answer this exact thing

    you just save the one calculation and then do another one with the changed mdv for that one zoom level (or use the option to calc a specific scope if that is available)

    On 17/05/2022 at 17:49, fortunate reee said:

    theoretically this could be achieved by just calculating the scope /zoom level using 0% as an exaple ads image.png.5d647d309d315894f2cef6d8905cf530.png

    while using 177.78% for scopes with a larger zoom.

    some games have specific scopes as an option  which alow far more granular control



    but you wouldnt use 2 scales at ones that makes no sense from a mathemaical standpoint


  11. 18 hours ago, Benito Camelo said:

    I have a question. I have been wondering if this tool has an option that can calculate or scale a Monitor Distance Value while using another value. So lets say I use 1.78 on native res (which will be 1920x1080 (100%)) but then have a specific scope scaled to an ads value that would mimic 0% MDV while still on 1.78. 

    might not have fully understod that sentece( so ima cover all the bases here)  imo usign multiple different kind of scales doesnt make much sense to me since you give up one of the biggest sellling points of having a coefficient uniformity.


    theoretically this could be achieved by just calculating the scope /zoom level using 0% as an exaple ads image.png.5d647d309d315894f2cef6d8905cf530.png

    while using 177.78% for scopes with a larger zoom.

    some games have specific scopes as an option  which alow far more granular control



    but you wouldnt use 2 scales at ones that makes no sense from a mathemaical standpoint

  12. 19 hours ago, Nick said:

    awesome thankyou, just out of curiosity how's is view speed for ads not sniper scopes etc, I feel in games like cod or apex my ads speed is slow ?

    in those agmes it is reasonable to have low ads speed since even the low zoom levels 1x etc have relatively high zoom.

    viewspeed ahs been very inconsistent for me personally would stick to 0% or the games default multiplier if you have a main game

  13. 10 hours ago, Nick said:

    I don't know why I have that 43 inch there I'm goanna change that, what if you can't match fov does mdv still work?

    really depends on your personal preference for me fov match is kind of a necessity for hipfire since i prefer having the same distance for navigation and not having the same feel,evene  when you have the same distance weirds out my mind  ( scopes are far more leniant from a feeling good perspective so i dont really put alot of effort into that )

    mdv works well even when your fov doesnt match

  14. 1 hour ago, Nick said:

    ill see how it feels cant hurt, and is the  mdh /mdv % solid or I'm I missing something I'm always trying to optimize thank you!!

    mdv 0% is fine same with the hip fire 360 if you match fov / aspect ratio

    are you gaming on a tv ? just noticed the 43 inches migth wanna lower your overall fov if you sit further away from your screen

  15. 1 hour ago, Nick said:

    can't match fov what's the best way

    arguably matching resolution woudl be your go to


    should be plenty of explanations in the forums

    1 hour ago, Nick said:

    use Monitor distance horizontal

    id suggest usign the share function or  giving your mdh /mdv % in the future

  16. 2 hours ago, cremtty said:

     depends on what gun you use.



    it's 73% mdh for operator

    you mussinterpreted the numbers that calc gives you

    100%mdh is the games default so all games scale with it at 1.0 ads


    if you move the slider to 100 it shows you the default

    at 0%mdh (all the way to the left ) it gives you a number that would be closer to what you mentioned



  17. 11 hours ago, MF_GAVIN said:

    I've been using this setup to do all conversions.  And, it works for stuff like Warzone but whenever I do it for VALORANT and Risk of Rain 2 it ends up with a different 360/cm.  And I thought to maintain muscle memory or whatever the 360/cm should be close to each other. 

    I can withstand 360/cm difference from VALORANT but with Risk of Rain 2 changing from a 33cm to a 52cm makes it feel like something is wrong and usually screws me up whenever I play Warzone again and I overaim. So, I was just wondering if the fix for it would be changing the [Hipfire / Look] to a different option instead of Jedi's Trick - Vertical.  

    the reason that it doesnt give you the same 360 distance is because your 360 distance is based on whatever base fov you are used to and   0% or jed  for windows to hipfire will give you a number that is based on your fov with those games having a set fov or capped fov that wont go up as high as other games like warzone a change in sense is to be expected.


    11 hours ago, MF_GAVIN said:

    And I thought to maintain muscle memory or whatever the 360/cm should be close to each other. 

    this isnt actually a matter of concern, muscle memory in the sense its often being missused in, doesnt really exist. if you were to set hipfire to the same 360 distance as warzone on a game with a lower fov the same 360 distance would end up feeling faster that it "should" comapred to what you are used to.


    usually id recommend setting image.png.47690bc0c779746eb6819432f6554384.png

    the games aspect to focal lemgth and giving up some screen space for the same feel but with a base of 120 hdeg there wouldnt be  alot of space left on your screen that wouldnt be black bars.

    that leaves 2 and a half  options.

    -use the numbers you got from the calc with the difference in 360 which should be alright but might take some getting used to for movement which shouldnt negatively impact your aim

    - use 360 distance match, from warzon to these game, and bite the "mental discrepancy" for the sake of keeping the same distance wth a different feel

    (- could also slightly lower your max fov in warzone and use focallength + 360 distance match for hipfire)

    all of these should be fine its mostly preference.

  18. 6 hours ago, use0fweapons said:

    so im not crazy lol.  ok so if i match the Hfov, what about the mouse sens? should i just go for the same cm/360?

    ideally youd match hor and vertical fov for the diagonal tracking / aiming

    the same 360 distance will then feel the same

  19. 9 hours ago, Cqlne said:

    Honestly i didnt realise anyone replied to this but i still cant figure this out, but my monitor is at 16:10 (1680×1050 to be exact) but still i dont know what to do with the rest of the settings to convert sensitivities like the scale thing and the other percentage with it

    if you use the share function we can help you properly

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