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fortunate reee

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Everything posted by fortunate reee

  1. 100% horizontal is pretty much uniform soldier aiming (personally like this one the most) previously used both 0% and 360 distance
  2. use 360 distance for hipfire and 100 horizontal monitor distance for the scope make sure you use the right resolution and fov on both games when using a stretched res in games you need to pay attention to the change in fov caused by the resolution highly recommend you using 76 ads in siege since it scales at 100monitor distance instead of just using an arbitary number (mind siege doesnt scale its scopes like apex/ csgo or any other fps game ) so using only 1x scopes will result in your muscle memory directly translating as if the 1 x scopes were in csgo) with these setting you can use all scopes in csgo
  3. it works however you will quickly find out that there are plenty of better ads values than 83
  4. if you want a somewhat realistic sense in the game 200 dpi is pretty close to useable both 400 and 800 have huge discrepamcies
  5. i swapped over too 100% since i like uniform soldier aiming
  6. if the 1x scopes feel wrong for you use either 75% or 100% horizontal i have recently moved to this and my aim works fine across games (takes a bit of getting used to not using acog at all but i jst use the red dot on echo and play different angles) 100% is nice for 16;9 and is pretty much what is used in games like battlefield uniform soldier aiming unfortunately siege doesnt scale so 1x scopes for me i can get reliable frags on 16;9 74 fov so it doesnt actually bother me our issue is pretty much the reason why most siege pros just use 83(.3333) ads for the 360 distance which honestly spoken i would not go back to after having tried the other methods given here , it also slightly explains the 1x meta in pro play me as well as countless others have written to ubi about this and you end up getting the good old " you are very passionate about this topic and this will reach the dev team answer " that is the equivalent of the shredder being turned on and destroying a letter of inquiry infornt of the creator
  7. 1.285714 fov would be the csgo equivalent for 16;9 (unless you are using stretched res ) the 360 distance is not affected by the field of view you choose how ever the scopes get affected using 75% horizontal monitor calculation for ads/ scope should work in your case coming from csgo , although using 100% horizontal /0% mm aint too bad either
  8. if you want to use 360 ads /acog 1.0 xfactor (ini file) and 100ads ingame doesnt seem to work for many but it might be worth a try if you are a 360 distance guy i must say that using only one scope type has an advantage since the better scaling of either 100% horizontal or 0% offer to you unfortunately ubi never really payed any attention to proper gun scaling and using both scope kinds tends to mess with your brain
  9. set your dpi to 100 for more accuracy
  10. bl1 had something like that bl2 sounds reasonable
  11. 100% isn't the same as 0% at 0% there is no real difference as long as you keep the aspect ratio 178% vertical or 100% horizontal are the same (uniform soldier aiming on newer battlefield games ) 133% vertical on 4:3
  12. if you are using 360 distance ads/acog you should just use xfactor aiming 1.0 with 100ads that disables the multiplier and makes all scopes have the same 360 distance
  13. the fov is wrong 90 doesnt mean 90 siege has vdeg whilst csgo has hdeg using 74 fov is the closest value you can input into siege this is likely what you would want to use foryour calculations the calculations underneath should be pretty much what you are looking for (mind that siege has no scaling so this will only really be accurate for 1x scopes ) an alternative would be using the hipfire calculations only and then going for xfactor aiming 1.0 + ads slider to 100 (this allows all scopes in siege to have the same 360 distance)
  14. that is pretty much the concept of bo4 , you got the option to use the legacy scaling option or to use your own custom values for each scope this website doing sponsorships with some high level influencers would be pretty neat i guess , just makes me sad that they cant even bother with their extra founding the cheating thing is especially bad in this case since there is already a working trainer on wemod(completely free to use)
  15. ideally you should match the hipfire 360 distance(+the field of view) and use the gun scalingoption the game provides you with unless there is a way to change all scopes behavior matching csgo hipfire to that games ads will mess with your brain when moving (you can try using ads with 360distance )
  16. if i did not expect this after the shitshow that was bl2 id be upset now so for now waiting for the steam version and hoping someone comes up with a good idea is goat
  17. i dont use the acog scope since there is no proper way to calculate both 1x/hipfire and acog at the same time so i havent noticed that all i know is that they change the leaning animation again i just played a bit and i am now pretty sure thatthe games performance just tooki a dent again
  18. siege has that magic ability of changing the percieved sensetivity with every big content patch (mostly placebo , ads sensetivity is not equal to acog sensetivity by default)
  19. just curious what does the 7th multiplier apply to and why is there no calculation for it (does the re 45 calculation work with 1x scope calculations)
  20. try this this should feel somewhat alright if 360 distance isnt doing it (its somewhat uniform soldier aiming)
  21. could as well try this (its basically bf5 uniform soldier aim for 16:9)
  22. the calculation is dependent on your ads and scope method
  23. same speed would be the viewspeed option (has its flaws in the muscle memory department ) distance would be 360 (speed differs depending on fov, so this doesnt work for small fov/higher zoom scopes ) and monitor distance is a mix trying to do what both other seem to lack in (0% is the best for larger fov differences feeling ther same ,once you get used to it) neither is outright great (read up on that forum post )
  24. 1.0 in apex is 1:1 feeling with a scaled fov i guess what you are looking for is 1:1 360 distance then ? this will still feel bad for most guns past the 1x that is why using a different scaling tends to be better. could try to use 100% horizontal for scopes and just set ads to 360
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