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  1. I am very confused. Let me try to explain this as best as I can. I am trying to get a process down where I can easily match sensitivities across games using CSGO as my main starting point for sensitivity. I have already learned that, for muscle memory, using the viewspeed conversion is best, even if 360 distance varies a bit due to different fovs in different games. I've decided that I can live with that and aiming at what is in front of me is most important. So viewspeed conversion it is. Here is the part where I get confused. When I was using the calculator to convert from my CSGO sens to hipfire in PUBG I got a sens and rolled with it. Then, while still using CSGO sens as the first game in the calculator I followed up by adjusting all the different ADS and scope sensitivities in PUBG by changing the aim option for PUBG while the CSGO section remained the same. Just out of curiosity I decided to replace the first game from CSGO to PUBG and use the hipfire sens that I got earlier from the CSGO conversion. When I proceeded to check if all the ADS and scope sensitivities still lined up with the results I got before I realized that I got slightly different numerical results for sensitivities. I'm so confused because I thought the hipfire sens that I got in PUBG from CSGO would essentially be the same starting point for all the other PUBG sensitivities but for whatever reason if I convert using the PUBG "43" sens instead of CSGO "2" sens I get different numbers even though the PUBG number is literally converted from the CSGO sens. I feel like I'm missing something. What is the proper protocol for adjusting all sensitivities in one game? Maybe its because the in game sliders are less accurate in PUBG? I am after all using in game settings because I don't want to risk a ban by tinkering with config files. I'm sorry if this is confusing but its so hard to explain which is frankly part of the reason I'm confused about the whole thing myself. It's late now so I don't have time to take screenshots, but I will later if needed. Any help is appreciated.
  2. I have recently experimented with sensitvities between CSGO and PUBG to get 1:1 matching, but no matter how I set it up, it's not the same feeling (especially for ADS and scoping). I have searched in topics and found some, but I haven't seen a clear answer. Can somebody help me in this case? My CSGO setup: Sensitivity: 2.56, DPI: 400, Raw input: On, Resolution: 1280 x 960 4:3 stretched Thanks in advance!
  3. Can somebody help me? i play CSGO with 400 DPI and a Sensivity of 3.5 (4:3 1280x1024) Rawinput ON I also play osu, but i really can't play with the new mouse, and need the 1:1 converted settings of it. so could somebody help me out? ^^ Osu = 1920x1080 16:9 fullscreen. also Rawinput ON
  4. Hey guys, I have 6 sensitivity in OW and 103 FOv, if i change my csgo sensitivity to 1.8 it is not accurate, raw input is ON. this is my viewmodel, if it matters: //Viewmodel viewmodel_fov 68 viewmodel_offset_x 2.5 viewmodel_offset_y 2 viewmodel_offset_z -2 cl_bobamt_lat 0.1 cl_bobamt_vert 0.1 cl_bob_lower_amt 5 cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt 0.5 cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt 0.25 Can u help me? ._. ty
  5. I need help converting my CSGO sensitivity to BF1, Division, Battlegrounds and Overwatch. In CSGO my sensitivity is 1.34 and 800dpi. As i changed my sens i also thought i would change it every where but not sure how to do it for some of these, or like BF1 get completely lost with its 30 sliders. Thanks in advanced
  6. What should I use to get my sensitivity from csgo to pubg, view speed v1, view speed v2, or 360 distance? These seem confusing to me and i just want pubg to be as similar as csgo.
  7. I'm currently using 4.25 and 800 DPI on Overwatch with a 103 fov. I would like to have the same sens in csgo, but I can't really figure out what I have to use exactly, I'm playing on 1280 x 960 4:3, my question would be what do I have to fill in exactly to get the same sens
  8. quick question: when I convert my windows sens to csgo, should I select 360 or viewspeed? Thanks a lot.
  9. Hi, I've been trying to figure out why the view speed values for LawBreakers are not the same for CS:GO? I've put them both on the same FOV so shouldn't the view-speed be the same cm/360? Or has it got something to do with this? Actual VFOV: 73.74 degrees Actual HFOV: 106.26 degrees (For CS:GO) LawBreakers - Hipfire Sensitivity 1: Mouse Sensitivity 2.9 360° rotation: 60.088 cm Base length: 16.6853 cm Config FOV: Field of View 90 Actual VFOV: 58.72 degrees Actual HFOV: 90 degrees Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Hipfire Sensitivity 1: sensitivity "2.130673" 360° rotation: 48.7682 cm Base length: 16.6853 cm Discrepancy: 0% (0 cm) Config FOV: fov_cs_debug 90 Actual VFOV: 73.74 degrees Actual HFOV: 106.26 degrees GAME INFO LawBreakers - Hipfire Config file: Settings -> Game Path: In-game Sensitivity 1 Minimum: Mouse Sensitivity 0.1 Default: Mouse Sensitivity 3.5 Maximum: Mouse Sensitivity 39.9 Console: N/A Notes: Config file settings does not currently work, as they will be overwritten when you launch the game. Making the file read-only does not solve the problem. Engine: Unreal Engine 4 Affected by: FOV: Yes | WPS: No | Resolution: No Default FOV: Field of View 100 | Horizontal Degrees (Resolution Base) Adjust under Settings -> Game Added: 2017-05-18 20:14:36 Updated: 2017-08-17 19:00:00 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Hipfire Config file: config.cfg Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[USERID]\730\local\cfg Sensitivity 1 Minimum: sensitivity "0.01" Default: sensitivity "6" Maximum: sensitivity "30" Console: sensitivity Notes: Turn mouse acceleration OFF, and turn raw mouse input ON in the menus, or by setting "m_customaccel" to 0 and m_rawinput to 1 on the config file. NOTE: It is the value from fov_cs_debug you must use in the FOV field for correct calculations, not the actual displayed FOV. Engine: Source Affected by: FOV: Yes | WPS: No | Resolution: No Default FOV: fov_cs_debug 90 | Horizontal Degrees (4:3 Base) Set FOV with console command "fov_cs_debug". Not possible to change unless the server has enabled sv_cheats. Added: 2013-10-01 16:00:00 Updated: 2017-04-24 05:32:00 Thanks!
  10. Hello! I'm new to the these forums, and I occasionally read here to learn new things about mice and the math behind sensitivities, and etc. To get to the point I've had the same sensitivity CSGO: (2.2 @ 400DPI) 4:3 1024 x 768 stretched. I've had this sens for about 2 years and ever since I've gotten a new monitor (about a year ago) Acer GNL24 144hz 1080p. It's hard to articulate what frustrated me to the point of trying 10 different mice and different dpi's, sensitivities and finally changing my resolution to my old monitor 1600x900 (not ingame, desktop) I don't know if there's a reason why it feels more snappier and accurate, personally I don't think it's a placeboo, and I want to hear from someone who might have insight on this topic, I've speculated that it was because my 400dpi doesn't cause as much pixel skipping on 1600x900 opposed to 1920 x 1080. because if I change my DPI to 1600 It'll feel a lot slower due to not as much pixel skipping. + I can also post me spraying an AK on different resolutions to show that the lower the desktop res the more tight it is. TL;DR Does changing to a lower desktop resolutions help with lower dpi feel smoother and accurate?
  11. Hi! So I've been trying to make my PUBG sens the same as my CSGO sens, however without much luck it seems. It tells me I sohuld put my PUBG sens at 39-44 depending if I use viewspeed or 360/monitor distance. So can someone please tell me how it should look like cause I'm going crazy over here, cant get it to feel the same. Thank you (I am a bit slow to bare with me) Settings I am playing 1440x1080 stretched in cs go https://gyazo.com/93ac60cf4d26bb558816c0b267851fe1
  12. So I've been trying to get my cs go sens over to pubg the entire day. However the sens the calculator recommends when using viewspeed feels sooo slow compared to my cs go sens. Am I doing somenthing wrong, if not can someone please explain why this is happening. The same thing happends in BF1 https://gyazo.com/aa618785b42c47e0d74a3edbd7d44f18
  13. is this possible?, i've googled and mostly the answer is no, but if it is possible, please tell me
  14. Hi ! I don't understand about viewspeed ect... Someone can help me about my settings from csgo to r6s please ? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Settings CSGO : 2.2 sens, 1024x768 Black Bars, m_rawinput 1, viewmodels : 68, 400 DPI, 24 inches Monitor size. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Settings for r6s : 1920x1080, 78 FOV, 400 DPI. Want this for my HIPFIRE and my Iron Sight please I'm premium but i don't really understand why viewspeed or others... ^^', please and thanks if someone help me !
  15. hello all, and thank you for your time. I used the converter to get my sensitivity from CS:GO to Overwatch and had a question about it. (I am extremely picky about it being as close to CSGO as possible, I didn't even buy Overwatch until they implemented decimal sensitivity.) Anyways, I play 1024x768 black bars on CSGO, with a 23" screen. (0.75 sens, 2300 DPI) When I converted my sensitivity for Overwatch, I get 2.5, which feels right. (same monitor, same dpi) My question is about a specific part of the conversion. When using the default FOV in Overwatch (103), I get -- Discrepancy: -5.046% (-0.3727 inches) By adjusting my Overwatch FOV to 98, I was able to achieve Discrepancy: 0.0528% (0.0041 inches) therefore, my question is using a 98 FOV going to make my OW feel more like my CSGO? Regardless of the FOV, the calculator always shows a 360° rotation: 9.4862 inches. I am confused as to what the ratio/discrepancy truly means and how it affects the precision of my aim. I would greatly appreciate some insight into this and if I should use the 98 FOV to have my aim feel as close as possible to my aim in CS:GO. Once again, thank you everyone for your time.
  16. My CS: GO Sensitivity: 1.22 DPI: 650 Monitor Size: 24 in. The problem is that the sensitity is zero which does not work in the options.
  17. I tried converting my csgo sens (1.56 @ 400 dpi) to Ratz, and it says I should put in 0.69, which is way too slow. I tried a few different csgo sensitivities, converted to Ratz, and each time it was way too slow. I was judging how far I had to move the mouse for a 360 by eye, as I didn't have a ruler, but it was clearly very off. It looked like the actual sens for Ratz should've been somewhere around 0.895.
  18. The converter uses 90 as default FOV and in the notes it says that you have to use the fov_cs_debug in the FOV field to get correct calculations. This is wrong however. You have to put 75 in the FOV field since that is the game's default FOV(and max FOV). My 360 rotation distance is 48cm, ingame sensitivity is 2.3 and DPI 450. I get these numbers from the calculator only when the FOV is set to 75. When it's 90, it says that my ingame sens is 1.9 which it isn't. The fov_cs_debug is 90 by default but you shouldn't use it in the converter.
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